In June 2012, BABOR Cosmetics provided estheticians with SKINOVAGEPX, a new, effective skincare system. This new skincare range not only combines the expertise of the previous product lines for specific skin types – System Gold, Skinovage and Pure – but also targets the special needs of individual skin types with new, even more effective formulas.

SKINOVAGEPX training began once the new range had been launched at the BABOR International Seminar in June. SKINOVAGEPX training is essential for all therapists working with BABOR and therapists who attend are introduced to each product in full. They are trained up on all the product ingredients, the benefits, effects and the process of application.
Training days are a great way for therapists to experience the brand hands on, the days are fun, informative and interactive and give therapists an opportunity to meet one another and share their BABOR experiences while learning more about the different products in the range.
Training begins at 09:00am and therapists enjoy a morning coffee and introduction from the BABOR trainer before the theory begins. The theory is an informative session that goes into the range in full detail and each therapist is provided with a BABOR product guide to assist them during the day. Product guides are given to the therapists to keep so that they can consult them in the future or when required during their time working with the brand.
Training room prepared for theory.
Lunch is provided for guests who are trained at the BABOR head office and therapists are able to take a break and enjoy the sunshine while the information sinks in.
The second half of a training day is generally focused on the practical side of the range and therapists are taught how to use the products, each lady takes a turn to be client and therapist to gain full knowledge of the brand and are then also able to touch, feel and smell all products.
Training beds prepared for practical demonstrations.
Training is a great opportunity for all therapists. Stockists of BABOR are encouraged to please send their therpaists on training days to keep up to date with BABOR and all we have to offer.
For all stockists who are interested please see the training dates for August & September below:
Johannesburg: August
6th and 7th: Skin Training
13th and 14th: Skin Training
Cape Town: August
6th and 7th: Skin Training
Johannesburg: September
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